Hammer Madonna (closed). 51 x 45 cm. Oil on rag paper, treated tracing paper, wire, wood, hammer and ribbon.The Madonna has a baby (possibly pregnant) Bear in her arms. Her circumstances seem somewhat damaged.
International Herald Tribune (closed). 46 x 39 x 9 cm. In oil paint, newspaper, card, wire and treated tracing paper.
Religions, prejudice and lost souls find solace in the comfortable predictability of the International Herald Tribune. Space cadets also have some time for fun, despite it being somewhat grim out there.
Religions, prejudice and lost souls find solace in the comfortable predictability of the International Herald Tribune. Space cadets also have some time for fun, despite it being somewhat grim out there.
Bear Bubble Cross (closed). In sculpey, wire, treated tracing paper and ribbon.
Eruptions can be Resurrections.
Eruptions can be Resurrections.
Bear Cross (closed). 220 x 29 cm in sclupey, wood, wire, treated tracing paper and linen thread.
You can't always see what you want.
You can't always see what you want.
Fired (closed) 30 x 40 cm. In oil on linen, with treated tracing paper. wire, wood, laces and fire.