I have a test show happening at the Rabbet Gallery , just so I can see if anything really needs changing before it goes abroad ! All welcome.
Madonna with Tourists. 2024. 80 x 80 cms.
Piriformis Rabbit. 83 x 45 cm.
Welcome to my site.
My career began in 1974 as one half of the performance art duo Reindeer Werk. In 1980 I changed to anti-conceptualist painting, part of a movement that eventually came to be known as Low Brow. Finding myself uncomfortably cornered into a genre that appeared to be becoming ever more Disneyfied, I have since branched into an area that appears to be something of a hybrid, standing between pro and contra conceptual camps. I prefer being a hinge to a flat plane.
The Candelabra Project
A while back, someone said to me, "Why don't you make something useful Dirk ?" Frankly, I'd not thought much about this possibility before, but this time, it struck a chord. In 2020, a year on, I present a series of original wall sconces and candelabra, most of them produced during the Covid-19 lockdown.
Some of the Candelabra use specially bent candles. It’s surprisingly easy to bend your own. The non-drip candles I use last at least six hours. Should health and safety seem a problem, then I also have electric candles that you can use. You are welcome to come and visit, or I can visit you with a few of the pieces.
My book ‘Candelabras and Other Things’ is available at Blurb: https://www.blurb.co.uk/b/10191020-candelabra-2
Dirk Larsen
1st July 2020
Lockdown Pet Urn. 43 x 38 x 65 cm. Suitable for one very big dog or one normal sized owner.
Urns 3 & 4.
I made them at the same time.
Bear Urn is 49 x 55 x 36 cm. About 300 cubic inches, enough for 2 small people of one very large one. One person in the can below the Bear's head, and the other one in the Milliput box on which the Rabbit is sitting.
Mobile Urn is 49 x 21 x 36 cm. This Urn, ( below) can accommodate your mobile, with the ear buds able to feed into the ashes. All we need now is the app for connecting the living and the dead. Some say we have it already in Faith.
I made them at the same time.
Bear Urn is 49 x 55 x 36 cm. About 300 cubic inches, enough for 2 small people of one very large one. One person in the can below the Bear's head, and the other one in the Milliput box on which the Rabbit is sitting.
Mobile Urn is 49 x 21 x 36 cm. This Urn, ( below) can accommodate your mobile, with the ear buds able to feed into the ashes. All we need now is the app for connecting the living and the dead. Some say we have it already in Faith.
Mobile Urn ( back), showing the mobile and holder.
Urn #2. 98 x 21 x 60 cm. This is an Urn for either one BIG person, up to 20 stone, or two small people, up to 10 stone each. I didn't mean to make it so big, but as usual, I got my sums wrong.
It's a ship, so the ashes can be put to sea, drifting where they may. I've done my best to make it thoroughly water-tight. Who knows, but it may end up on a beach near you.
It's made from soldered wire, wood, liquin treated tracing paper, part of a Ken doll, milliput and paint. The rabbit head at the back detaches for the casket to be filled. The stand comes with the ship.
It's a ship, so the ashes can be put to sea, drifting where they may. I've done my best to make it thoroughly water-tight. Who knows, but it may end up on a beach near you.
It's made from soldered wire, wood, liquin treated tracing paper, part of a Ken doll, milliput and paint. The rabbit head at the back detaches for the casket to be filled. The stand comes with the ship.
Urn. 50 x 40 x 30 cm. My very first Urn. It's big enough for a medium sized person.
Electric. 60 x 30 x 30 cm. An all electric candelabra. A major point of this candelabra, is that if it wasn't all electric, it would set fire to itself.
My Little Candelabra. 32 x 22 cm. On discovering how easy it is to bend candles, I decided to explore the possibilities.
Lil C's Sconce of Treasure. 70 x 48 cm. SOLD
The Blue Dot Candelabra 30 x 23 x 30 cm. The bulb can be charged on a laptop.
Blue Dot Candelabra.
As the World Turns. 68 x 79 cm. In Lockdown, everything seemed so much bigger and smaller than it was.

As The World Turns. Detail
Cooking with The Arbliquelia. 35 x 28 x 25 cm.

Coffee Button Tender candelabra. 40 x 31 x 18 cm. 4 graters, copper sheeting, milliput & oil paint.
A two-position Candelabra: Position one. "The Arbliquelia lifts the Burden of the Coffee Button". 42 x 40 cm. 2020. Position 2 is below.
Position two. "The Arbliquelia lifts the Burden of the Coffee Button". 42 x 40 cm.
The Arbliquelia is the exploration of an Argument, a Question and a Lie. Something for our times. 60 x 45 cm. Soldered wire, milliput, plaster, copper plate, oil paints.
Button Boy Candelabra. 62 cm high x 25 cm wide. My first candelabra made at home during the virus shut down.
Lukasch Pyrq Memorial Candelabra #2. 45 x 31 cm.
Regality Candelabra. 33 x 31 x 7 cm. This is based on a pose Thom Puckey in Reindeer Werk used to do, called The King of Ireland.